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Media - The 3 Secret Skills of Top Performers















I am your 7-module course author and trainer

Choose your media need in the content below with links to download all you need to prep for an interview. The media kit has all this content to print out and prepare.


Blog Articles

     Complete media press kit includes personal cell contact, FAQs, author bio, book descriptions, key endorsements, and links to additional information – interview schedule form, book review, and sample interview.

SEO Strategy

Interview Schedule Form to fill out. Dr.Pete is available on short notice to fill in when a guest cancels or does not show.

Creative Copywriting

Sample podcast interview with Ray Loewe

Changing the Rules

Content Strategy

The back story is about how and why the book was written.

Book Review

Independent book review

Publicity Photos

Select photo and right click to save as, name file, and place in your folder

Key Endorsements

Read what top Internet marketers say about this book

Tom Antion is a well-known

Internet Marketer

   “I have mentored hundreds of authors and speakers. The 3 Secret Skills of Top Performers – Powerful Lessons in Transformational Leadership is high on my list of the best I have read.

   The lessons are applied to improving performance in less time for any job, task, skill, or relationship.  This is your opportunity to shorten your learning curve modeling what top performers consistently do.  This benefit provides an advantage over your competition vying for the same results.

   Most people think of motivation as something someone does to them or someone else.  Top performers are self-motivated, and you can learn the same skills. Do you know any top performer who ever waited for the approval of another person? Top performers understand how to apply intrinsic motivation principles to satisfy their personal needs and values and goals. For leaders this is imperative to know about those you lead and improve your team.

   If you ever thought of becoming a top performer to improve your finances or your team, then this is a must read. The educational 7-module course will teach you The Triad Performance Improvement System and master the 3 secret skills so you can become the top performer that is within you.”

-Tom Antion, Box 9558, Virginia Beach, VA, 23450 USA.
Podcast, Mentor Program, School, Documentary “The American Entrepreneur”

Daniel Hall, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author and host of the podcast.

Daniel Hall is a top Internet Marketer
who is also a
RN (nurse) and JD (lawyer)

“If you ever wanted to be a top performer, then model the 3 secret skills they do. You may already do two of the three but perhaps not all three. Each skill is learned independently but applied interdependently. Like riding a bicycle, once you learn The Triad Performance Improvement System you never forget it. Then you apply it to any job, task, skill, or relationship to shorten your learning curve.

   You may be a top performer and this book will confirm that or be your golden ticket to greater success and a rewarding income. As the leader you’ll learn how to intrinsically motivate your performers learning their needs and values.  This is especially important during these pandemic times with more people working from home.

   You’ll take unconscious motives to a conscious level of awareness to feel rewarded for your effort and meet your goals. You’ll learn better methods to self-evaluate performances and connect reward to reinforce what you are doing well. In these demands to work from home trust is a major factor to get quality performance results. It is the perfect time to retrain and transform your directors, managers, supervisors, teachers, coaches, and CEO’s including parents.

   I’ve read books on leadership, but none compare to this content and learning system to transform from extrinsic to intrinsic methods to motivate yourself and those you lead. When you evaluate the personal needs and values of your performers, they feel you care about their life. This motivates each with the desire to improve on the job and be loyal to you, your team, and the company.”

-Daniel Hall, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author and host of the podcast.



Steve Harrison and brother Bill Harrison are co-founders of

Steve Harrison is a pro helping
authors get publicity

“Dr, Pete Andersen is a winner who knows how to achieve extraordinary results. Listen to him. Learn from him. His Triad Performance Improvement System works.”

-Steve Harrison, Co-Founder

Rick Frishman,, Bestselling Author, Publisher & Speaker,

Rick Frishman

Rick Frishman was the first publicist
for the Chicken Soup series

“For years I have been the publicist for notable authors. The Chicken Soup series with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen was launched by my company. I know what qualities are common to top performers. The 3 Secret Skills of Top Performers and The Triad Performance Improvement System aptly describe common skills leaders would do well to model. Order your copy today on Amazon and bookstores and consider enrolling in one of the 7-module courses to benefit you and your performers.”

-Rick Frishman,, Bestselling Author, Publisher & Speaker, publicity & publishing for entrepreneurs & business, CEO and Founder,, the premiere event for marketing & publishing success.

Are you in a rut and keep doing more of the same but expecting better results? Or have you lost your passion and given up hope of ever realizing your dream? I still believe you can become a top performer and enjoy a higher quality of life and potential income.

Maybe it’s time you model the 3 secret skills of top performers to focus on the right stuff. I can personally help you with that with my book and affordable 7-module courses. Because I believe you have hidden talents you can still discover. What have you got to lose? Some frustration by lack of success to keep trying? You’ve spent how many weeks and years getting to where you are now. So what is your problem with spending just four weeks with me?

Once you join our family investing in a course, you’ll have my personal support for a year! Because I sincerely care to help you succeed and realize your dream. If you don’t believe me, then schedule your free consult and talk to me – not an assistant. You’ll know if I’m sincere or not. So right now schedule your free consult. Don’t give it another thought because you can always hang up the phone and walk away.

Click Here to schedule your FREE 30-minute consult to learn more.

You will learn The Triad Performance Improvement System. And, if you lead others discover the personal needs, values, and goals of your performers. When you show them you care about their lives, they tend to be loyal and committed to your directions and the company, organization, or team.

Your problem is you’ve never been shown a proven system to modify your thinking and behaviors. Working harder and longer hours without clarity of purpose to establish a personal need yields indifferent results. You may as well pull out a quarter and flip a coin with those 50-50 odds for success. But once you learn The Triad you can increase your odds for success to nearly 95%. Because even if you don’t win, you can walk away with something you learned to build on for the next try.

I do not believe in failure. I do, however, believe there are varying degrees of success. So, it’s not your fault. You never learned a system to improve your performance in less time for any job, task, skill, or relationship.

If you are a leader you must know all performers carry over their personal lives (successes and failures) into the workplace to affect job performance. This reminds me of the kitchen placard “If momma ain’t happy, nobody is happy.”

Change now and improve the quality of your life forever. Schedule your free 30-minute consult right now. Because once you learn to apply The Triad it is like riding a bicycle – you never forget how. Click Here to schedule your 30-minute free consult so we can get to know each other.

P.S. I can’t help you if you are not willing to help yourself. I will add this is not a magic bullet. You will need to apply yourself or you’ll be wasting both our time. But when you commit that’s when your journey starts and you become aware of changes leading to more success and enjoyment.

Sometimes I write About Writing

Header The Behaviorist View


4 standard points are applied to news examples.

Outcomes are projected when one or more points are violated.

The purpose is to help you make better short and long-term decisions.

How Behaviorists Are Different From Psychologists


        The most prominent behaviorist was B.F. Skinner.  In simple terms, he explained that the brain is like a black box.   See the figure above.  The difficulty is in what the mind is thinking.

        Information in the form of sensory cues and learned strategies go in as input. Observed behaviors or performance comes out as output.  Using the body’s senses, a learner can be conditioned to observe their output to compare to that of a top performer, a perfected model, or their own immediate past performance to see if they are improving.  A feedback loop from output back to the input allows the learner to make adjustments to their next input by changing the sensory cue to focus on.  When the correct cues and strategies yield the correct performance output, the learner has been conditioned to have improved responses to the modified stimulus cues. 

       A psychologist is trained to go back through your performance history to learn where your mind created the inappropriate responses to stimulus cues you were subjected to at that time in your life.  You may or may not have had any control over the kinds of stimulus cues or your environment.  Through question and answer counseling sessions, the psychologist tries to pinpoint stimulus events that altered your behaviors.

        The psychologist tries to open the black box and the behaviorist does not to focus only on input and output. Psychologists are clinically trained and licensed to practice asking you probing and sometimes painful questions to help you understand your difficulties today in order to move your life forward in a positive manner.  

        Behaviorists like coaches, teachers, parents, and managers make observations to compare current with past performance and want to see an improved change in your behavior to produce a better positive performance outcome.  It is wise to copy what top performers do and also try to understand their thinking process to improve personal performance outcomes.

        Today there are very few theoretical behaviorists.  The last prominent educational behaviorist was Robert Gagné, a professor, who died several years ago in his 90’s, and was best known for helping instruct military personnel using his Nine Events of Instruction model.

        In the coming days and weeks, I will explain how the violation of behavioral rules has led to failures in everything from government policy, economic strategy, and welfare and education reform to current events making the daily news. 

        Human behavior is what it is.  When you learn how to apply irrefutable psychological principles and behavioral rules prior to the decisions and actions you take, you can increase your odds for short and long term success.   

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suggestions to improve.

Header The Behaviorist View

Dr. Pete Andersen, San Diego

Personal Cell 1-858-886-9820