The Athletics 7-Module Course
uses the book content as text
to reinforce learning and applying
Athletics Course Description
Do you believe top ranked athletic programs happen by accident? Sure, talent plays a role, but how do you motivate talent to excel? The problem is many performers never learn a system to modify their behaviors. Most performers are frustrated because they are told to keep doing more of the same and expect better results! My course teaches The Triad Performance Improvement System. The system is based on three secret skills common to top performers whom I’ve observed for over fifty years.
You never forget how to ride a bicycle, and once you learn the three secret skills of top performers you apply them to improve any job, task, skill, or relationship for the rest of your life. This benefits athletes to improve their academic job, tasks at home, athletic skills, and relationships with teammates. What coach doesn’t want a complete player? Now you can learn what top performers consistently do to stay motivated and keep improving. You shorten the learning curve and shift the performance improvement responsibility to every performer. Intrinsic motives are stressed over traditional extrinsic motives.
Coaches know nothing succeeds more than winning. But where is your awareness? How do you self-evaluate pre-during-post performance? How do you connect reward to reinforcement? Would it be helpful to educate your performers with a proven system to motivate their performances, and hold themselves accountable for their actions? Or would you rather yell and scream at them?
I am a Ph.D. behaviorist, author, and speaker. For my dissertation I did personality testing with our 1972 U.S. Men’s Olympic Swimming Team. Top performers are different in a variety of ways you can tap into. Click here to learn my credentials. Click here to view top performers who have endorsed the book contents.
My 7-module 4-week course is delivered online by a one-time paid membership platform. Each employee and athlete use the same athletic department name to login but set up a personal password to access the modules for one year. Tutorials in the 2nd and 4th weeks are followed by Q&A with replays accessible so everyone can learn at their own pace. The course is very affordable based on a sliding scale of participating members. So, AD’s let’s talk benefits and ROI. Optional on-site in-person training is negotiable. The e-book is free to every member. And favorable quantity paperback discounts are available.
If you poll your coaches, I can hear them now. “I already know how to motivate my athletes. I just need better talent.” Then why do some athletes leave a coach and perform outstandingly for another coach? Did their talent change overnight? Or maybe they fear an outsider may teach their athletes personal motivation skills they are not getting? Egos are egos, but they don’t solve problems.
Extrinsic motives create problems…
- you must keep increasing the reward to motivate performance,
- only a few believe they can get the reward based on the group,
- they create possible abuse favoring a few over the others, and
- the rewards are inconsistent and short-term.
Intrinsic motives create long-term benefits for the athlete and personnel…
- they build lasting trust and loyalty to the team,
- they are based on satisfying the personal needs, values, and realistic goals of each performer,
- a willing work ethic to delay the onset of rewards,
- the rewards are personal, consistent, and long-term, and
- teach personal accountability for learning to improve performance.
The training includes…
- progress checklists, discovery of personal needs and values,
- personal skills assessment survey to discover strengths and weaknesses to improve,
- correct goal-setting paradigm,
- increasing awareness flow charts, diagrams,
- pre-during-post self-evaluation assessments,
- connection to a personal reward system, and
- activity value indices to apply The Triad Performance Improvement System.